Teacher Profile

Teacher Profile and Class Submission Form

Teacher Profile and Class Submissions 23-24

Please fill out this form to submit your class ideas. Even if you are unsure of all the details of a class you want to offer at this time, fill in the form the best you can and adjustments can be made later prior to the schedule being released. Please feel free to submit in advance classes for Spring and Winter Term as well. ►► Class submissions for Spring 2024 must be submitted no later than January 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Feel free to email teachersupport@homeschoollansing.com if you have specific questions about this form or becoming a DICE teacher. THANK YOU for your willingness to teach!

Spring Classes are 8 weeks and begin on 3/26 and end on 5/14.   Teachers will be provided with a list of possible substitutes. It is the teacher’s responsibility to find a substitute for their class if they are going to be absent. If a class is cancelled due to lack of substitute, teachers will have their payment adjusted to reflect that. Details will be included in the teaching contract prior to class start.

Are you able to pass a criminal history background check?
What subjects or interests do you want to teach? (These are general guidelines. Classes may include multiple areas of study or fall outside of those listed below.)
Are there any subjects you do NOT want to teach?
Do you have a preferred age range you would like to teach?
Is there an age range you DO NOT want to teach?

Fall Term ’23 (9/19 – 11/7)

Winter ’24 (1/9 – 2/27)

1 = I will if it it’s absolutely necessary
5 = I am so excited and am already planning my classes.

Spring ’24 (3/26-5/14)