Are You Attending Winter Classes?

We need to hear from you! It’s time to plan winter classes and we need to know if you plan to attend. This information helps guide us as we determine what classes to offer when to best meet community demand. Teachers also love to hear class ideas! Submissions will be accepted through November 5th. If you have class ideas please submit ASAP as we will be requesting class submissions beginning this Wednesday, October 26th and would like to include your class ideas. Winter classes will run for 8 weeks beginning on January 9th, 2024 and ending February 27th, 2024. If you have questions about teaching please email

Intent to Participate in Winter '24 Classes

Intent to Participate in Winter '24 Classes

Are you currently a DICE Member?


Are you planning on teaching for Winter term?
Social Clubs are also encouraged. Teacher perks include early registration. Class Submissions will be requested on or around October 25th.
Are you planning on volunteering as a Teaching Assistant for Fall term? (Click here to learn about what a teaching assistant does.)
Teaching Assistants are guaranteed a spot in the class they are assisting in for their child(ren). Class fees apply. Priority registration given to volunteers who TA or Hall Monitor 3 hours or more each Tuesday.
Are you planning on volunteering as a Hall Monitor? (Click here to learn about what a hall monitor does.)
Hall monitors will spread out through Trinity to make sure youth stay in appropriate areas. Priority registration given to volunteers who TA or Hall Monitor 3 hours or more each Tuesday.

Please fill out for each child in your family that plans to participate in Tuesday classes:

Student Name
Student Name
Please let us know which hours this student may participate in Tuesday classes. We understand that this will depend on what classes are offered, changes in schedule, etc, but please give us your best guess.
This child is most likely to...

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