Tuesday Class Feedback Needed by 6/28

Vote on move to Trinity

The Board of DICE is happy to announce that we have officially voted to move forward with holding Tuesday classes at Trinity Church. We are excited for the additional opportunities this rental space will allow us to offer! These include the ability to hold more classes per hour, have a more secure location, and to lower the cost of classes. These were the things that were most important to members based on the survey we put out and the Board believes Trinity offers the best solution for meeting all of these needs at this time.   

We are currently trying to plan how to make the move to Trinity the smoothest transition possible for the DICE community and the Board. We need your help to do this! 

The Board needs to try to gauge how many members will be participating at the new location as well as the number of kids in each age range. This will help us make sure we are offering appropriate classes to meet demand based on age at each hour. 

We would REALLY appreciate it if you took a few minutes to complete our Intent to Participate in 2023 Classes survey below no later than Wednesday, June 28th. With the move, the Board currently has many unknowns and we are trying our best to navigate that. It would be much easier for us if we had a little data to help guide our decisions. This will benefit you as a member because you get to help influence our planning with your survey reply.   

We will also be needing a lot more volunteers to operate at Trinity. We are confident DICE members will step up to help classes run successfully. We will be in need of more teachers, teaching assistants, and hall monitors to make things run without any hiccups. Start thinking of the amazing classes you could teach as we will be sending out the form for class submissions around July 9th. Stay tuned for more on this topic and how you can help this year be a success. 

Thank you for taking the time to do the survey. We really do appreciate it! 

The Board of Diverse and Inclusive Collaborative Education 

P.S. Not sure who the board is? Find out who we are here. 

Intent to Participate in Fall '23 Classes

Intent to Participate in Fall '23 Classes

Are you currently a DICE Member?


Are you planning on teaching for Fall term?
Social Clubs are also encouraged. Teacher perks include early registration. Class Submissions will be requested on or around July 9th.
Are you planning on volunteering as a Teaching Assistant for Fall term? (Click here to learn about what a teaching assistant does.)
Teaching Assistants are guaranteed a spot in the class they are assisting in for their child(ren). Class fees apply.
Are you planning on volunteering as a Hall Monitor? (Click here to learn about what a hall monitor does.)
Hall monitors will spread out through Trinity to make sure youth stay in appropriate areas.
In an effort to increase volunteer participation, a policy is being considered that would allow priority registration (after teachers, but before open registration) for those families whose parent/adult sign up to volunteer as a TA and/or Hall Monitor for 2 or more hours each week. If this policy is adopted, would it increase your willingness to volunteer?

Please fill out for each child in your family that plans to participate in Tuesday classes:

Student Name
Student Name
Please let us know which hours this student may participate in Tuesday classes. We understand that this will depend on what classes are offered, changes in schedule, etc, but please give us your best guess.
This child is most likely to...

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